Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
BlockData Block
BlockDataData Block tracker
BlockIdData Block ID If iLength is zero we don't have the block just the hash
BlockPoolDataBlock Pool Item Data
BlockPoolItemBlock Pool Item
ConnectedEntityEntity participating in a razorback cloud
DeferredListDeferred Data Block List
RazorbackContext::DispatcherDispatcher specific data
DispatcherEntityDispatcher Entity Extension
EventIdEvent ID
HashBlock Hash utilize various algorithms, e.g
RazorbackContext::InspectorInspector specific data
ListList structure
ListNodeList node structure
MessageAlertChildPrimary Alert Message
MessageAlertPrimaryOutput Messages
MessageBlockSubmissionSubmission Messages
MessageCacheReqCache Control Messages
MessageCacheRespGlobal Cache Response Message
MessageConfigurationAckConfiguration Update Success
MessageConfigurationUpdateConfiguration Update Message
MessageErrorCommand and Control Messages
MessageHandlerMessage handler structure
MessageHeaderMessage header
MessageHelloHello Message This message is a broadcast message
MessageInspectionSubmissionInspection Submission Message
MessageJudgmentSubmissionJudgment Submission Message
MessageLogSubmissionLog Submission Message
MessageOutputEventEvent Output
MessageOutputInspectionInspection Output
MessageOutputLogLog Output
MessageRegistrationRequestRegistration Request Message This message is a broadcast message
MessageTerminateTerminate Message
MutexMutex Control Structure
NTLVItemName Type Length Block
NuggetNugget information
RazorbackContext::OutputOutput specific data
QueueQueue an attachment to a distributed message queue
QueueListEntryQueueListEntry an entry in a list of queues
RazorbackCommandAndControlHooksCommand and control hooks
RazorbackContextAPI Context
RazorbackInspectionHooksInspection Nugget Hooks
RazorbackOutputHooksOutput nugget hooks
RZBConfCallBackConfiguration callbacks
RZBConfKey_tConfiguration file entry definition
SemaphoreSemaphore Control Structure
SocketSocket Structure
ThreadThread Purpose: hold the information about a thread
ThreadPoolThread pool container
ThreadPoolItemThread pool item
TimerTimer structure
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Enumerations Enumerator Defines
Generated on Sun Dec 9 04:00:11 2012 for RazorbackAPI by  doxygen 1.6.3